June 15, 1993
July 16, 2018

Sharon Stein


She always had a warm smile for everyone she met and was often told she gave the best hugs.

Reading, PA

Sharon was a remarkable person who touched the lives of everyone around her. Her love for her family and friends was unwavering, and her warm affection extended to her pets, including her beloved cat, Jade, and her loyal dog, Zoe, who had been by her side for over 15 years. Sharon was known for her warm smile, which she shared generously with everyone she met. Those lucky enough to receive one of her hugs often remarked that they were the best they had ever experienced.

Sharon was academically gifted, and she was pursuing a degree in chemistry at Drexel University in Philadelphia with a minor in psychology. She was not only a brilliant student, but she was also an exceptional artist with a talent for illustration that captivated those who saw her work. In addition to her artistic pursuits, Sharon found solace in practicing yoga and meditation, and she loved to play guitar in her free time. She was also an avid reader and a gifted writer with a passion for exploring the human psyche in her work.

Sharon’s talents extended beyond the academic and artistic spheres, and she was also a gifted performer. She had a passion for theater and had performed in musicals and on stage throughout high school and with a local theater group. Her passion for the arts was infectious, and she inspired those around her to embrace their creativity and follow their dreams.

Sharon will always be remembered as a kind and caring individual, a brilliant student, a gifted artist, and a passionate performer. Her memory lives on in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to call her a friend, and she is deeply missed by all who knew her.


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