Heaven, whose journey began on September 28, 1994, in Granville County, emerged into the world as the beloved offspring of Jasper Nelson and Patricia Drewes. Her educational path led her to the halls of Victoria School of the Arts in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Throughout her existence, Heaven shone as a radiant beam of joy, a vivacious social butterfly, and endeared herself to many who cherished her. Her absence has left a hole that can never be filled and she will always be remembered with the utmost respect and love..
In her spiritual life, Heaven was a devout member of Stovall United Methodist Church, where she found solace and community. Professionally, she contributed her talents as a former employee of Revlon, leaving a mark in her chosen field. Heaven’s impact extended far and wide, and her memory continues to resonate in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to know her.
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