July 21, 1992
November 1, 2021

James (Jimmy) Woody


Jimmy was a talented musician who loved hard and forgave the unforgiveable.

Kansas City, Missouri
El Dorado Springs, Missouri

Jimmy was a gifted musician and songwriter whose passion for music began early in his life. He first took up the violin in fourth grade before transitioning to the tenor saxophone in sixth grade following a move to a new school district. He participated in both the marching band and jazz band throughout high school. Although he was offered a scholarship to MSU, he needed to complete his general education studies at a community college first due to insufficient math credits.

During his teenage years, Jimmy explored various instruments, teaching himself to play whatever he picked up. He started writing songs at the age of 16, eventually forming a band with two friends from his high school band. They managed to fully record two songs for their debut album. However, just as the band was gaining momentum with performances and recordings, Jimmy’s life took a tragic turn. He fell victim to a predatory individual who introduced him to heroin, ultimately leading to his death from pure fentanyl. He passed away alone in his apartment after a Halloween party in 2021. Tragically, the authorities did not classify his death as a crime, and he did not receive the justice he deserved.

Beyond his musical talents, Jimmy had a profound love for children and retained a youthful spirit himself. He frequently carried an action figure in his pocket, even at the age of 29. A man of strong family values, he lovingly raised two stepsons as his own for nine years. Jimmy was a compassionate soul, quick to offer help to those in need and capable of forgiveness in the most challenging circumstances. His passing left a void in the community, evident by the overwhelming number of people who came to pay their respects, filling the funeral home beyond capacity.


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