October 25, 1996
November 24, 2016

Kadin Minor


Above all, Kadin had a heart that overflowed with kindness and a genuine desire to bring smiles to people’s faces.

Birthplace: Sioux Falls, SD

Kadin had a passion for building, curiosity, and a compassionate heart. Kadin’s departure from this world has left a void in the lives of those who knew and loved him, but his memory will forever shine brightly in their hearts.

During his school years, Kadin took on various jobs, exploring different paths before finding his calling as a residential framer with A-1 Framing. The joy of building and creating was ingrained in him from an early age, evident in the countless hours he spent as a child constructing intricate structures with his beloved Legos. His natural inclination for craftsmanship and attention to detail blossomed as he pursued a career in the field he loved.

Kadin possessed an insatiable curiosity and boundless energy that defined his character. From a young age, he was constantly immersed in new experiences and adventures, always eager to explore and learn. His inquisitive nature allowed him to see the world through a unique lens, embracing the wonders of discovery at every turn.

Above all, Kadin had a heart that overflowed with kindness and a genuine desire to bring smiles to people’s faces. He possessed a rare ability to uplift those around him, seeking opportunities to make a positive impact and spread joy. His friends held a significant place in his life, and he valued their companionship and shared experiences dearly. Kadin’s zest for life led him to venture into new territories, embracing opportunities to try something new. He acquired a guitar and, with his characteristic determination, taught himself how to play, savoring the melodies that resonated from his own fingertips.

At the age of 19, Kadin embarked on a new chapter in his life. He entered into a partnership, utilizing his skills as a framer, and took the next step by moving into his first apartment with Kylee, his girlfriend of many years. The future held promise and excitement, and Kadin eagerly looked forward to the adventures that lay ahead.

Though Kadin’s time with us was cut short, his legacy of curiosity, compassion, and a zest for life will forever inspire those who knew him. May his memory serve as a reminder to embrace our passions, nurture our inquisitive spirits, and cherish the love and friendship that enriches our lives.


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