August 3, 1990
October 3, 2015

Kevin Lynch


A shinning star who graced our lives with his vibrant spirit.

Hollis, NH

Kevin was a remarkable individual who graced our lives with his charm, laughter, and vibrant spirit. This memorial page celebrates the summers he cherished when he and his friends gathered to play sports, spend time by the lake, and enjoy the carefree joys of childhood.

Kevin possessed a magnetic personality that effortlessly drew people to him. With his quick wit and infectious humor, he lit up every room he entered, leaving a trail of laughter in his wake. His vast circle of friends stood as a testament to his genuine and warm-hearted nature.

During his high school years, Kevin showcased his athletic talents fearlessly, taking on the challenges of various sports and embracing the intensity of wrestling. His competitive spirit was matched only by his unwavering determination and commitment.

Beyond the field, Kevin had a deep passion for music that held a special place in his heart. He found solace and inspiration in the melodies that filled his life. Weekends became magical experiences for him as he ventured to music festivals, immersing himself in the pulsating rhythms and uplifting melodies that resonated within him. What truly set Kevin apart was his openness and friendliness, as he eagerly sought new connections and friendships at these gatherings. He embarked on these musical adventures alone not because he had to, but driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to form meaningful bonds with like-minded souls.


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