September 29, 1980
September 25, 2022

Matthew Alexander Bishop


Matt was a father, son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin and a friend to all.

Spokane, WA
Spokane, WA

Matt’s life was full of promise, but his battle with addiction cut it short. He grew up in Spokane, WA, and South Dakota, where he excelled in football and basketball, his lifelong passions. His family was so proud of him when he learned to read at just three years old and showed remarkable intelligence, leading him to dream of becoming a math teacher. Matt was also a talented musician, a great singer, and a skilled player of the guitar and keyboard.

Despite his many gifts, Matt struggled with addiction from his teenage years. Nevertheless, he remained a beacon of hope for others facing similar struggles, offering love, kindness, and friendship to anyone who needed it. Many of his friends credit him with helping them turn their lives around, including one who wrote on Matt’s Facebook page after his passing that without Matt’s support, he might be in prison today. Matt’s love and generosity touched many lives, and his legacy lives on through those he helped.

Sadly, Matt’s addiction took a heavy toll on his health, leaving him with congestive heart disease after surviving several overdoses. On September 25, 2022, just days before his 42nd birthday, Matt overdosed for the final time. Though his family and friends grieve his loss, they take comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering. Matt leaves behind three children, Lily, Isaiah, and Madison, who will always remember him as a fun-loving, free-spirited Dad who loved to play Nintendo and Xbox with them.

Matt’s life was too short, but his impact was profound. He will be forever missed and remembered as a loving son, brother, father, and friend.


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