Kelsie Elizabeth Hix
October 24, 1998
February 27, 2022

Kelsie Elizabeth Hix


Her beautiful smile, giggle, bright eyes, deep kind soul.

Greenville, Sc
Simpsonville, Sc

Kelsie was a beloved individual with a special place in the heart of her mother. Even before she was born, her mother was in love with her and this love only grew stronger after Kelsie’s arrival. Her mother considered her to be her heart, love, and everything. The two were inseparable, with a bond so close that it was as if they were one person in two bodies. Kelsie was, and always will be, her mother’s girl.

Kelsie had striking features that drew attention to her, such as her big bright eyes and equally bright smile. She was an old soul with a keen interest in Astrology, numerology, and crystals. Her two dogs, Lilah and Gypsy, were her beloved companions that she cared for deeply. Kelsie’s infectious giggle was contagious, but she also battled with anxiety and depression and had a hard time getting her medication. One day, she took a pill that someone gave her, not realizing that it was fake, and laced with fentanyl. Tragically, she passed away in her room while her family was home, unaware of her plight until it was too late.

Kelsie’s mother misses everything about her daughter, from her soft hands and skin that she yearns to hold and touch once again, to her laughter and personality. Kelsie was her sun, moon, and all of her stars, and her mother feels lost, destroyed, and forever broken without her.


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