January 14, 1992
April 23, 2022

Rebecca Brinkman


Rebecca was known for her infectious personality.

Sioux Falls, SD

Rebecca Brinkman entered the world on January 14, 1992, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, as the daughter of James and Stacy Schmidt. Her twin sister, Rachael, joined her just thirty-three minutes later, and an unbreakable bond was formed. Growing up in Sioux Falls, Rebecca embraced her hometown and all that it had to offer. For 14 years, she dedicated her time and talents to Burger King, eventually rising to the position of manager. Her commitment and expertise ensured that customers received exceptional service throughout her tenure. Currently, she finds fulfillment in her role at La Quinta Inn and Suites, where her delightful personality creates a warm and welcoming environment for guests.

It was on January 4, 2013, that Rebecca’s life took a joyous turn as she met Austin Inouye, who would become her best friend and love of her life. Their love story blossomed, and they were blessed with the arrival of two beautiful boys, Noah and Ness. The family’s bond radiated with love and happiness, creating cherished moments that would forever shape their lives.

Rebecca was known for her ever-present cell phone, which kept her connected to loved ones and allowed her to indulge in her favorite pastimes. Whether she was engrossed in playing games or engaging in friendly gossip sessions with her mother, these moments brought her great joy. Her fondness for the color yellow, evidenced by her love for yellow Laffy Taffy, and her affection for elephants added a touch of whimsy to her life. Her passion for fashion was undeniable, as her overflowing closet and the generous space occupied by her collection of clothes and shoes in Austin’s storage attested to her love of shopping.

Rebecca’s journey was marked by deep connections, heartfelt laughter, and unyielding love for her family. Her infectious personality and genuine warmth left an indelible impact on those fortunate enough to know her. While her physical presence may no longer grace their lives, the memories of Rebecca’s vibrant spirit and her love for those closest to her will forever endure.


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