November 26, 1985
May 21, 2017

Shane Nutter


Shane was known for his compassionate and non-judgmental personality.

Mesa, AZ
Aberdeen, SD

In 2012, Shane made the decision to relocate to Mesa, AZ, embarking on a new chapter in his life. His professional journey took him through various endeavors, as he lent his skills and expertise to companies such as CyberSound, Wolfe Wood Working, Scottsdale Art Factory, and Desert Sound. However, it was with Office & Technology that he found his current place of employment, dedicating his time and talents to the organization.

Shane possessed a captivating presence that forged personal and unique connections with all those fortunate enough to cross his path. His magnetic charisma drew people to him effortlessly, and his genuine love for life and humanity resonated deeply. Shane’s name became synonymous with his unforgettable antics and sense of humor, leaving an enduring impression on everyone he encountered.

When not immersing himself in work or social interactions, Shane found solace and joy in the company of loved ones. Music festivals held a special place in his heart, providing him with moments of euphoria and connection. Camping and fishing trips with his parents, siblings, and nieces created treasured memories, while hunting adventures alongside his grandfather, uncles, and cousins fostered bonds of camaraderie. Shane possessed a wanderlust spirit, having traversed through 49 states, leaving only one yet to be explored. A particularly memorable milestone in his life was his journey to Ireland, where he experienced the beauty of the land while also dedicating his time to volunteering within the community alongside his soul mate, Amanda Stadel.

Shane’s character overflowed with remarkable qualities. Compassion, diligence, a non-judgmental nature, wit, and unwavering care for others defined him. He was always willing to lend a helping hand, offering support and kindness without hesitation. His love for his Arizona home was evident, as he took great pleasure in transforming it into a haven through his DIY projects, showcasing his masterful skills.


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