December 28, 1975
April 28, 2015

Matthew Thode


Matthew loved his family unconditionally.

Sioux Falls, SD

Mathew grew up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. On July 31, 1999, Mathew embarked on a lifelong partnership, exchanging vows of love and commitment with Nikki Grimm. Together, they built a warm and loving home in Sioux Falls, where they shared their dreams.

The union between Mathew and Nikki blessed them with two children, as Mathew embraced his role as a father with unwavering dedication and pride. Shai-Lyn and Isaiah Mathew, their beloved children, held the key to Mathew’s heart. Despite the challenges posed by his health condition, Mathew fearlessly assumed the role of “Mr. Mom,” ensuring that his children’s needs were met with the utmost love and care. His devotion to his children knew no bounds; they were his world

Throughout his life, Mathew epitomized the essence of a devoted father, leaving an indelible mark on his children’s lives. His presence in their lives created a sanctuary of love and security, where memories were crafted and cherished.


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